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Melange for React Developers


This is a work in progress.


This is a project-based, guided introduction to Melange and its ecosystem. Because Melange uses both OCaml and JavaScript ecosystems, there are quite a few tools and concepts to learn. Therefore we try to make each chapter small and digestible, not introducing too many things at once.


You should already know how to make frontend applications in JavaScript, in particular with React. You should be interested in learning how to leverage your existing knowledge to build apps using ReasonReact. You do not need to know OCaml[1]—we’ll slowly introduce the basics of the language throughout the tutorial. That said, a good complement to this guide is OCaml Programming: Correct + Efficient + Beautiful, which teaches the language from the ground up and goes much deeper into its features.

Chapters and topics

TitleSummaryTopics covered
CounterNumber that can be incremented or decrementedmodule, Option, React.string, pipe last operator, function chaining, switch expression
Numberic TypesUse Melange Playground to explore OCaml’s numeric typesInt, Float, Playground, sharing snippets, comparison operators, arithmetic operators, widgets in Playground
Celsius ConverterSingle input that converts from Celsius to FahrenheitJs.t object, string concatenation (++), exception handling, ternary expression, if-else expression, labeled argument, partial application, {js||js} quoted string literal
Celsius Converter Using OptionThe same component from the last chapter but replacing exception handling with OptionOption,, when guard
Introduction to DuneA introduction to the Dune build systemdune-project file, dune file, melange.emit stanza, monorepo structure
Order ConfirmationAn order confirmation for a restaurant websitevariant type, primary type of module (t), wildcard (_) in switch, fun syntax, Js.Array functions, React.array, type transformation functions
Styling with CSSStyling the order confirmation using CSSmel.raw extension node, runtime_deps field, glob_files term, external, mel.module attribute
Better SandwichesSupport different kinds of sandwiches by adding constructor argumentsvariant constructor argument, variant pattern matching, {j||j} quoted string literal, Printf.sprintf, building bundles
Better BurgersSupport different toppings for burgers by using recordsrecord type, record destructuring, record pattern matching, submodules, wildcard
Sandwich TestsAdd unit tests for sandwich-related logicopam switch, opam switch, opam install, opam list, .opam file, melange-fest, open module, module_systems field, punning, type inference
Cram TestsSet up cram tests to run your unit testscram tests, cram stanza, Dune alias, promotion, test output sanitization, sandbox, expand_aliases_in_sandbox stanza
Burger DiscountsImplement burger discount logic using arrayslimits of type inference, type annotation of function arguments, full name (asset path), Stdlib, record spread syntax, ignore, runtime representations of common data types, properties of arrays, override Array.get
Discounts Using ListsRe-implement burger discount logic using listsproperties of lists, pattern matching on lists, list spread syntax, List module, ListLabels module, runtime representation of lists, documentation comments, placeholder operator
Promo CodesImplement promo and discount logic using Resultbuilt-in Result type, translating error message to Reason syntax, List.iter, for loops, polymorphic variants, runtime representations of Result and polymorphic variants
Promo ComponentCreate a promo component that renders Results using polymorphic variantDocumentation comment markup language, React.useReducer, as keyword to ignore arguments, opam-check-npm-deps,, render mutually-exclusive states using polymorphic variant constructors

…and much more to come!

  1. Because of the focus on ReasonReact, we won’t cover traditional OCaml syntax in this guide. Instead, we’ll cover the Reason syntax which works great with ReasonReact because of its first-class support for JSX. ↩︎